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Structura de lemn proiectata in sistem timberframe de Miradex Wooden Buildings

Design, the most important stage of a project, so it must be treated with great care and focus on details!

  • The production process begins in our design office, where a complete analysis of the project is made according to the architectural model and structural requirements. In the case of a more complex project, involving multiple disciplines, we collaborate with other stakeholders to optimize as much as possible: reduce material consumption, construction time, and costs;

  • The structural design is done with specialized softwares such as RoofCon TrussCon, CadWork and Axis VM, which allow the designer and structural engineer to do a complex calculation of strength and a detailed analysis of joints connected with MiTek connectors;

  • The verification and calculation of roof trusses, walls, and other structural elements is done according to EUROCODE 5 norms and national standards;

  • Elaboration of the production project through detailed technical sheets: dimensions, angles, positioning of multi-nail plates at the joints, specific material consumption and execution time;

  • Elaboration of the technical documentations: technical structural project and execution details*;

  • We have the MINERGIE (Passive House Switzerland) accreditation which certifies our design engineers to design and build according to the Passive House standard;

    * For our clients and collaborators, the structural calculation together with all the technical documentation (the structural project) is done free of charge in most cases.

Do you have a project?

If you are looking for a team of professionals to collaborate with for your project, send us the project and we will get back to you with an optimized solution in terms of material consumption, construction time, and costs.


Mircea Deaconescu

Structural Engineer
Wood Structural Design

10 years experience

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Ana Calotescu

Structural Engineer

Wood Structural Design

8 years experience



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Fabrica: Golotreni 22, Brezoi, 245500, România

Birou Vânzări România: Str. Icoanei 15, etaj 2, 030167, BucureÈ™ti/                                                +40 (727) 317 815 (RO/EN/DE)

Birou Vânzări ElveÈ›ia: Rue de la Clef nr. 6, 2610 Saint-Imier/

                                          +41 (783) 240 060 (FR/EN) 

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